Sexist & Objectifying Media Contributes to a Culture of Violence Against Women.

Sexist and objectifying media contributes to a culture of violence against women. Objectification of women causes society to view women as less capable and less intelligent, making men more tolerant of sexual violence and harassment.

The Selling Sex Exhibition’s mission is to raise awareness of objectified media while campaigning advertising companies to reduce the sexist representation of media and, instead, represent women in an empowering light.

The poster design employs contrast, composition, type, illustrations, & an interactive QR code. It functions as a dynamic triptych while also serving as individual posters for distinct purposes. Research shows that the mind is naturally drawn to sexual elements or the word 'sex,' effectively conveying the poster's theme and capturing the audience's attention.

The initial poster features an illustration from a renowned ad, marked with an illustrative 'X' over the face. A QR code at the bottom enhances interactivity. The layout uses a straightforward column arrangement, guiding the viewer's gaze from the text "Selling Sex" to the 'X' mark & the QR code. The second poster employs a centred grid. Its purpose is to educate users about the broad subject, encouraging them to visit the website through contrasting silhouettes and collages. Lastly, the third poster adopts a similar composition to the first but acts as a museum directory, using a pointing finger instead of a call to action.

This brochure is to be handed out as people come into the museum. Selling Sex’s brochures aim to inform the user about the issues and exhibitions and act as a directory around the museum.

These brochures utilise a simple, two-column grid and unique composition to express their purpose and branding. In addition, the main asset of the type ‘X’ illustration is used to replace the ‘X’ in H1 headings to further extend this branding. Additionally, as the brochures are a tangible object to be taken home with the user, it extends Selling Sex’s brand awareness with the user’s family. Additionally, the brochure includes information on how to stop media companies from providing sexist ads and instead increase inclusive imagery of females.

This website design, optimised for mobile, not only educates the user and prompts them to take action on the ‘get involved’ page, but it also leads the user to convert to visit the museum and display their work and testimonials in the exhibition.


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