Rethink it. Renew it. Redesign it.

“Make it of our own age and time”

The Design Brief required me to create a Typographic design that brands the ‘New European Bauhaus’ , a campaign to respond to the challenge of climate change and economic recovery post-COVID, and can be applied as a typographic system for publicity, communication and information products. 

The title of the campaign references the influence and impact of the 1920’s “Bauhaus Movement”. However, my visual concept and design challenge in response to the brief was not to simply mimic or duplicate the old Bauhaus style but to be inspired by it. 

By using bright orange juxtaposed with black and dramatic typographic elements, we subverted the notions of Bauhaus to express the drastic concerns and concepts of the climate change crisis and economic downfall after the Pandemic. This design, created for multiple platforms, creates urgency and pushes the user to take a stand.


The Bearded Brewer


Logo Collection